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🏆 Doubles Match

General information
Skill Level: 3.9 - 4.4
No. of Players: 16 players
Court Type: Private
Open Spots: 15
Number of Courts: 0
Court Reserved: No
Membership Required: Yes
Confirmed Players 1

Event Notes
Coach Ralph Acosta
e: Ralph.Acosta@BayClubs.com / t: 619.368.8216
RULES: First event is men's doubles, second event is women's doubles, then 1st mixed doubles followed by 2nd mixed doubles.
Each game goes to 21 points rally scoring win by 2 points. First team to win three games will be the winning team. In the event of a
tie, there will be a Dreambreaker Singles match with each of the four players playing four points each rally scoring with the first
team to win 21 points winning by 2 points designates the winning team. Team Captains will flip a coin deciding which captain
selects the singles lineup. Loser of the coin toss submits their lineup then other captain will submit their singles lineup. It'll be the
same singles opponents for each four points.

Match Organizer

Ryan Snyder
Main Court All Star